Student Action Team

Ayanna Dowd, Sponsor

Phone: (708) 585-1095

Wendy Bivins, Sponsor

Phone: (708) 585-1126

Description: The Action Team is a community-service-based student group.  The students plan and organize volunteer events around the school and in the Chicagoland area.  Action Team leaders (captains) are eligible for college scholarships, and acquire valuable community service experience to include on college applications.

Procedure for joining: See Ms. Dowd or Ms. Bivins in the Guidance Office or attend a meeting (announced via morning announcements).

Time Commitment: Action Team meets 1-2 times/month immediately after school.  Additionally, the club members participate in one field trip per semester.

Activities Include: Volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House, the Chicago Food Depository, the Humane Society, hosting an annual Veterans Luncheon, working with students from local grammar schools, as well as an assortment of other community service activities.

Activity Time Period: September-May

Action Team