Principal's Message
Mr. Brian Rucinski
Meteor Families,
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences on Thursday, September 26th. Whether you joined us in person or remotely, your commitment to meeting with our teachers and staff is essential for ensuring student success.
If you couldn’t attend but would like an update on your child’s progress, please don’t hesitate to reach out. And don't forget that you can access your student's grades via PowerSchool. Log in using the username and password that you created when you registered your child. If you need assistance with that, please reach out to your child's guidance counselor.
I’m excited to announce that Homecoming Week is taking place the week of September 30! Our Student Council has put in a lot of effort to create a fantastic week, culminating in the football game on Friday and the dance on Saturday. For all the details about Homecoming, please visit the following link: Homecoming Information.
Remember, grades and attendance are important! Pease make sure students are present and on time every day, and work to finish strong during the last two weeks of our 1st quarter!
Brian Rucinski, Principal
Thornton Fractional North High School
Twitter: @RucinskiBrian
Phone: 708-585-1001
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